Carbon Dioxide toxicity: Causes; Signs & Symptoms; Treatment; And Prevention (According to a scuba instructor)
As most of us know, carbon dioxide (CO2) is a byproduct of our breathing. Every time that we exhale,…
Lessons I teach to my students when they’re getting their scuba certification.
As most of us know, carbon dioxide (CO2) is a byproduct of our breathing. Every time that we exhale,…
I can hear you after you read the title of this blog: “wait a second Scuba Jay! oxygen can…
Most of us are familiar that we need to be concerned with carbon monoxide in our homes, hence the…
Decompression sickness (“DCS”), or “the bends,” can surface (no pun intended) in various ways. Symptoms of DCS range from…
Trying to enjoy your dive, but your mask keeps fogging up? If you can’t see what you’re doing or…
Feeling a little tipsy while diving, kinda like you’ve had one too many. Well my friend, you most likely…
So you’re on your dive, starting to descend and bang! one or both of your ears start to hurt….
Communication can sure be tricky underwater with a regulator in your mouth. However, we still need to relay messages…